
Quick-cooking Violet rice salad

Fresh, coloured and delicious

  • Quick-cooking Violet rice
    300 gr
  • Smoked salmon
    100 gr
  • Avocado
    Half fruit
  • Cherry tomatoes
    50 gr
  • corn
    50 gr
  • Rocket salad
    1 bunch
  • extra virgin olive oil
    1 teaspoon


40 minutes


Put quick-cooking Violet rice in a pot with water at room temperature.  When it is boiling add salt and cook for about 16/17’.

Drain and let the rice cool down. Clean avocado and cut it into small dice, cut salmon into bits and tomatoes in half; put the ingredients into a salad bowl, add corn, rocket salad and rice. Blend in all the ingredients and season with two tablespoons extravergin olive oil.

Quick-cooking Violet rice can be serve as a starter or as an aperitif in small transparent glasses.


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